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Xizang villages benefit from enterprise program
By:China Daily
update:May 15,2024
The "10,000 Enterprises Vitalizing 10,000 Villages" program has implemented 360 business and public welfare projects in Xizang autonomous region, benefiting 215,000 farmers and herdsmen, said sources from the Xizang Autonomous Region Federation of Industry and Commerce.

A total of 1,997 enterprises in Xizang have engaged in village-enterprise cooperation with 1,476 village collectives, resulting in a cumulative investment of 2.3 billion yuan ($317.8 million), since the establishment of the region's leadership group for the program in 2022, according to a report on xzxw.com.

Sources from the federation said Xizang autonomous region attaches great importance to leveraging the advantages of private enterprises and regards their participation in the program as an important part of promoting rural vitalization in the autonomous region. The program has received a positive response from private enterprises.

The private enterprises have established industrial assistance projects based on the industrial conditions of the assisted villages. These projects cover fields including crop planting and animal husbandry, agricultural product processing, rural tourism and ethnic handicrafts.

A total of 96 private enterprises and chambers of commerce have paired up with 101 border villages in the autonomous region to provide assistance.

The program also encouraged Tibetan entrepreneurs and business elites residing outside to initiate business projects in their hometown.

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