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Tibet to maintain prolonged stability, high-quality development: official
update:March 29,2022

A flag-raising ceremony is held to celebrate the Serfs' Emancipation Day at the square in front of the Potala Palace in Lhasa, capital of southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region, March 28, 2022. (Xinhua/Jigme Dorje)
LHASA, March 29, 2022 -- Tibet will maintain prolonged stability and high-quality development, said Yan Jinhai, chairman of the people's government of southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region.
Over the past 63 years, Tibet has witnessed great progress after suffering so much, which fully demonstrates the incomparable superiority of the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, said Yan on Sunday night during a local televised speech to mark the anniversary of emancipation of 1 million serfs.
In 1959, the magnificent democratic reform completely destroyed Tibet's feudal serfdom under theocracy and liberated over 1 million serfs in the region. Those serfs gained freedom and dignity, becoming masters of the country, region and their own destiny, he said.
The Communist Party of China (CPC) has united and led the people of all ethnic groups in Tibet in founding the Tibet Autonomous Region, establishing the socialist system, carrying out socialist construction, reform and opening up, and eliminating absolute poverty, he added.
Official data shows that in 2021, the GDP of Tibet exceeded 200 billion yuan (about 31.4 billion U.S. dollars), an increase of about 7 percent over the previous year. Urban and rural per capita disposable personal incomes in Tibet increased by 13 percent and 14 percent respectively in 2021.
A total of 693,300 local farmers and herders found jobs in 2021, generating overall incomes of 5.81 billion yuan. The average life expectancy in Tibet in 2021 rose to 72.19 years, and as of last year, the total length of operational roads in the region exceeded 120,000 km.
The region will continue to give high priority to ecological conservation and boost green development, he added.
Implementing the guidelines of the CPC for governing Tibet in a new era and the decisions and plans of the central authorities, Tibet is certain to embrace a brighter future through concerted efforts, innovation and reform, the regional chairman said.
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