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Rooftop of the World: Advancement of the Autonomous Region
update:April 10,2024

This year's Two Sessions brought together representatives from all over China and the measures it approved affect not only its major cities, but towns and villages in such far flung regions as the autonomous region of Xizang – known as Tibet outside China. CGTN's Sean Callebs sat down with NPC members from the high plateau to get their take on changes coming to the people in this remote region.

The Great Hall of the People.

It's a long trip from Xizang, known as Tibet in the West.

CHIDE National People's Congress deputy, Baqen County, Nagqu City, Xizang Autonomous Region "What is my hometown like? There are snow-capped mountains, lakes, rivers, breath-taking scenery, beautiful flowers and trees and wild animals and plants."

Over the decades, as dramatic economic changes have swept over China, they are also being felt in the far reaches of the country. In 2019, I had the chance to go to the "rooftop of the world" and talk to children about improved access to education.

"People seldom know about our culture now. I want to be a Tibetan language teacher when I grow older, so I can pass down our culture."

Norbu Yangzom is a NPC deputy from the autonomous region. She says she could never have imagined going to school. Now her hope is for her children to attend one of the top universities in China.

NORBU YANGZOM National People's Congress deputy, Medog County, Nyingchi, Xizang Autonomous Region "I want her to learn, gain knowledge and then come back to build her hometown. When she comes back she could contribute some of her strength to helping her hometown."

Tibetan experts, like Xiao Jie, say there is another story to be told. People leaving this region and moving to other parts of China.

XIAO JIE Deputy Director of the Institute of Contemporary Studies, China Tibetology Research Center "To make such an achievement we must have well-educated people in Xizang – first they need to know Mandarin. They need a common language of China. Second, they are moderately well educated, so they are able to make their own living."

The region is characterized by its grasslands, and mountains. But the landscape is changing. Norbu's region was among the last to have a road developed.

CHIDE National People's Congress deputy, Baqen County, Nagqu City, Xizang Autonomous Region "Whether it is education or the development of various economic and social undertakings, we have experienced earth shaking changes. Where is the change? For example, our village's electricity, network, roads have all undergone great changes."

For the simple, humble people here, it has translated into nomadic people moving to villages, where they now have access to healthcare, schools, and running water. But Tibetan deputies say it is important to remember where they came from.

NORBU YANGZOM National People's Congress deputy, Medog County, Nyingchi, Xizang Autonomous Region "I come to Beijing for a meeting this time, wearing our traditional costume. I hope to carry forward the traditions, to let more people know about our Xizang and Medog."

Medog, is her city, which means flower.

CHIDE National People's Congress deputy, Baqen County, Nagqu City, Xizang Autonomous Region "Just like in our lives, our traditional culture, traditional memories, traditional customs are passed down and carried forward in a visible way."

While this year's Two Sessions will be remembered for a push toward greater innovation, this autonomous region is taking smaller steps, continuing to lift its people out of poverty, welcoming the new, but embracing the wild land, living a rugged life on the "Roof of the World." Sean Callebs, CGTN, Beijing.

Sponsor:China Society for Human Rights Studies
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