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31 Tibetan monks take part in exam for 'doctoral degree' in Tibetan Buddhism
update:July 06,2022
 According to the High-level Tibetan Buddhist College of China, the entrance exam for the 2022 Thorampa advanced title class was officially launched recently. A total of 31 monks from Tibet Autonomous Region took the exam at the Tibet Buddhist Institute.
This year, the High-level Tibetan Buddhist College of China plans to recruit 39 students. More than 120 monks from Tibet Autonomous Region, Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu and Qinghai provinces took part in this exam.
It is reported that Thorampa is an advanced academic title in Tibetan Buddhism's three-level academic system (equivalent to a doctoral degree in Buddhism). This year's entrance exam requires applicants to have a solid theoretical foundation of Buddhism and have studied the Five Classics for more than 15 years. Applicants need to possess a certain level of Tibetan writing capability and have basic listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in the national common language. The exam covers a wide range of subjects, including Buddhist, cultural and legal knowledge.

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