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Gourmet experience in Lhasa showcases Chinese cuisine culture
update:September 05,2023
By:China Daily
A gourmet experience week is ongoing in Lhasa, capital of the Tibet autonomous region scheduled between August 31 and September 6.
Jointly hosted by the regional government, the regional department of tourism development, and the regional department of commerce, the gourmet experience is being held in a main venue and two sub-venues.
The main and sub venues of the ongoing gourmet experience week have provided more than 90 delicacy booths, integrating various special delicacies such as Tibetan cuisine, Chinese cuisine, snacks and coffee.
Wang Xiaodong, head of the regional tourism development department, said the Chinese culinary culture is extensive and profound, and that Tibetan cuisine is also a unique and important component of Chinese culinary culture, reflecting a long, rich history of folk culture.
"This gourmet experience week integrates cuisine experience, tourism promotion, specialty product exhibitions and cultural performances. We aim to create a new benchmark for the nighttime economy and revitalize the market confidence by running such an activity," said Wang.
"We want to provide a more affordable, convenient life experience for both the local residents and the tourists," Wang added.
By Palden Nyima and Daqiong

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