The 100-meter Thangka on display in Tianjin - Culture & Religion - Tibetol

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The 100-meter Thangka on display in Tianjin
update:November 24,2016
By:China Tibet Online
Nov. 24, 2016 -- The “Snowy-land and Dharmadhatu–land Treasury” — the Qianzhuang Regong Thangka Art Exhibition was held on November the 15th, in Binhai New District of Tianjin. 
The 100-meter Thangka in this exhibition was divided into 5 parts and conducted strictly through the most standardized working process of the Regong Thangka. 
More than 10 Thangka painters used charcoal to draft the Thangka painting, consumed 30 kg of mineral paint and 1 kg of gold and took 6 years to finish the work. |About Us|Contact Us |Site Maps|
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