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Third batch of national human rights bases set up
update:December 30,2020
Dec.30,2020 -- Recently, the Publicity Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Ministry of Education jointly issued a notice announcing the establishment of another six national-level human rights education and training bases including the Institute of Human Rights Law at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology, the Center for Human Rights Studies at Jilin University, the Center for Human Rights Studies at Northwest University of Political Science and Law, the Institute of Human Rights at the Southeast University and the Center for Science, Technology and Human Rights Studies at the Beijing Institute of Technology. This was an important step to implement the National Human Rights Action Plan (2016 - 2020).
Since 2011, Chinas has set up a total of 14 national-level human rights education and training bases in three batches at universities across the country. These bases aim to promote theoretical research, education and training as well as exchanges and cooperation and better serve the development of both the Chinese and international human rights causes.
By:Zhou Tianyu
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