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China warns of severe weather in flood season
update:June 12,2020
June 12,2020 -- China's Ministry of Water Resources on Thursday warned of extreme weather events during the flood season and urged all relevant sides to prepare for major floods.
As China entered the main flood season, a total of 148 rivers were struck by above-warning-level floods, said Ye Jianchun, vice minister of water resources, at a press conference.
The country has seen 18 rounds of heavy rain so far this year. Since June 2, downpours have hit 12 provincial-level regions, bringing accumulated precipitation of more than 400 mm in an area of over 24,000 square km, according to the ministry.
With the extreme weather forecast for the flood season and more precipitation expected in the southern part of the country this year, the authority warned that the overall flood control situation would be grim.
Ye said the ministry has urged local governments to make contingency plans to protect people's lives in the event that existing facilities are unable to resist the floods.
The ministry has also been working with other authorities to improve the flash flood warning system, making sure people living in high-risk areas receive early warnings, Ye said. 
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