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China to crack down on online vulgar content
update:April 10,2019
Apr. 10, 2019 -- China will launch a national crackdown on spreading online vulgar content to create a clean cyberspace environment, according to official sources Tuesday.
The crackdown, initiated by the National Office Against Pornographic and Illegal Publications, will run for eight months starting April.
The office ordered local authorities to inspect platforms of online literature, live streaming, videos, online games, microblogging and WeChat.
Items that are obscene and pornographic or violate the right marriage values and family ethics or promote violence, bloodiness, cruelty or terror will be taken down. Platforms that spread illegal content will be investigated and punished.
Internet enterprises are required to inspect content on their own platforms.
Administrative departments are asked to hold talks with the companies that fail to implement the order and demand them to rectify their platforms. Companies that refuse to rectify their problems will be fined, suspended, closed, or banned from the industry.
The office also called for public participation in reporting vulgar content via a tip-off hotline or the website of the office.
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