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The disinformation and viciousness of 'Promoting a Resolution to the Tibet-China Dispute Act'
By:China Daily
update:July 16,2024
Recently, "Promoting a Resolution to the Tibet-China Dispute Act" was enacted in the US. The Act claims to "promote human rights, freedom of religion and dispute resolution", but in fact, it is designed to bolster the Dalai Lama clique's anti-China separatist activities, and to grossly interfere in China's domestic affairs.

First, there is historical disinformation in the Act, the Act states: "Tibet has been part of China since ancient times is inaccurate," however, Tibet has been an inseparable part of China since ancient times.

More than 500 years before the American Revolutionary War, in the Yuan Dynasty, China's central government established the Commission for Buddhist and Tibetan Affairs and exercised jurisdiction and governance over Tibet. The central government of the Ming Dynasty conferred honorific titles such as "Prince of Dharma", and "National Master in Tantrism" on political and religious leaders in Tibet. During the Qing Dynasty, it became an established convention that the central government conferred the titles of Dalai Lama and Panchen Erdeni in Tibet. The reincarnation of the Dalai Lama and other grand Living Buddhas had to follow the procedure of "drawing lots from the golden urn", and the selected candidate would be subject to approval by the central government of China. The Republic of China continued to exercise sovereignty over Tibet. The Fourteenth Dalai Lama and the Tenth Panchen continued to be conferred by the Central Government. No country or government in the world has ever historically acknowledged the "independence of Tibet".

In 1942, the US government told the Chinese government that they had "at no time raised a question over Chinese claims to Tibet. Do not recognize Tibet as an independent state." Decades later, Former US President Barack Obama and other dignitaries had also repeatedly reiterated the position that "Tibet is a part of China". So it is ridiculous to claim in the Act that "The United States Government has never taken the position that Tibet was a part of China since ancient times."

Second, there is territorial disinformation in this game. The Act adopts the Dalai clique's so-called "Greater Tibet" concept, combining the Tibetan and other ethnic areas of Xizang, Sichuan, Yunnan, Gansu and Qinghai into the geographic scope of the so-called "Greater Tibet". In fact, such a "Greater Tibet" has never existed in history, nor has it ever appeared in the history of China's administrative divisions. It is merely a false concept for the invasion by Western imperialists in the past and for the division of China by Western anti-China forces at present. The "Greater Tibet" ignores the history and culture created by all ethnic groups on the Qinghai–Xizang Plateau and the fact that the Qinghai–Xizang Plateau has been home to many ethnic groups since ancient times, and completely disregards the actual wishes of the local people. The reason why the "Greater Tibet" was included in the Act by some American politicians is that some people want to cut off more than one-fourth of China's land area. The evil intent of "using Xizang as a tool to contain China" has been exposed.

Third, the Act contains disinformation on the implication of international law. The Act states: "Disputes between Tibet and China must be resolved in accordance with international law." Xizang is a part of China. Xizang-related issues are purely China's internal affairs and does not apply to international law. The so-called "Central Tibetan Administration" is an outright separatist political grouping, completely violates China's Constitution and laws, has nothing to do with "human rights" and is not recognized by any country, so Chinese Government will not negotiate with them. With regard to contacts and discussions between the Chinese Government and the personal representative of the 14th Dalai Lama, the key is that the 14th Dalai must, first of all, make a fundamental rethinking and a thorough correction of his own political views, and stop planning and inciting all violent and criminal activities, as well as all activities seeking "Tibetan independence" and splitting up the motherland. On that basis, China side can then engage in discussions with the Dalai on his personal future.

By campaign of disinformation, the Act is trying to create dispute rather than solve differences, to inject separation and chaos in China rather than promoting peace and integrity. Chinese people and people around the world can see this clearly. What the Act exposes is the viciousness of "Using Xizang as a tool to contain China".

The author is an international observer.

The views don't necessarily represent those of China Daily.

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