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China issues white paper on ecological progress on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
update:July 18,2018
During the 12th Five-year Plan period (2011-2015), meteorological departments set up nine new-generation weather radars, 18 aerological observation stations, 123 state-level ground meteorological observation stations, and 1,361 regional meteorological observation stations, and launched three Fengyun meteorological satellites.
The white paper, however, noted that the Plateau still faces many ecological challenges, including glacier retreat, melting permafrost, and other growing disaster risks due to global warming, and prominent contradictions between protection and development in the course of economic growth.
In the future, China will continue to take measures to consolidate and further its ecological achievements on the Plateau, including reforming its environmental monitoring system and refining the low-carbon and circular economy and safe and efficient energy system.
"Ecological progress on the Plateau in the new era is an important component of the Beautiful China initiative," it said.
"The Chinese people are committed to making the Plateau an even more beautiful place, and to realizing harmonious coexistence between man and nature," it added. 

Full Text: Ecological Progress on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau


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