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Tibetans celebrate Buddha month twice this year
update:May 10,2016
May 10, 2016 -- May 7th this year was April 1 in Tibetan calendar, the first day of "Buddha month" or "Saga Dawa," which marks the birth, enlightenment and death of Sakyamuni.
Tibetan Buddhist believers consider April as a lucky month during which they turn the prayer wheels at dawn and worship Buddha.
Since there are two Aprils in Tibetan calendar, Buddhist believers will celebrate Saga Dawa twice.
Buddhist believers started walking around Jokhang Temple, Potala Palace and old Lhasa City on this special day.
"I have already five prayer wheels but I bought a new one this morning. I prayed for health and happiness for my family and friends," said Grandma Yu Zhen.
Lhasa's transportation department made special preparations to offer conveniences for the believers.
A lot of overseas tourists attended the praying activities to taste Tibet's religious culture.
By: Qu Yungui  Liu Qiang
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