High-Quality Development in the New Era and Historic Strides in Xizang -- A survey centered on Lhasa city research

2023-05-27 18:33:01By:
High-Quality Development in the New Era and Historic Strides in Xizang
-- A survey centered on Lhasa city research
Wang Yanzhong

Director and Professor of the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

This paper was based on the basis of the author's field investigations in Xizang, especially Lhasa many times since 2013. The article reviews the great achievements made in economic and social development since the peaceful liberation of Xizang, and is full of expectation and hope for further high-quality development prospects after the historic leap from overall poverty. It also looks forward to the development priorities of Xizang and Lhasa during the "14th five year plan" period and in the future.

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