Eco-Friendly Industry Development in Xizang

2023-05-27 18:46:55By:
Eco-Friendly Industry Development in Xizang

Research Fellow, Director, Institute of Social Economy, China Tibetology Research Center

Xizang is located in the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau’s core, where towering snow-capped mountains and large glaciers are the regulators of the world's climate. Fresh water from Xizang affects the life of hundreds of millions of people in South Asia.
The Chinese government fully recognizes the ecological value of Xizang, considering Xizang as an important national ecological security barrier. At the same time, the government also regards the protection of Xizang's ecological environment as a major country's responsibility to provide ecological public goods for international communities. Because of this responsibility, the local government mainly developed seven major industries for improving the economy. They are plateau biology, tourism, green industry, clean energy, modern services, high-tech digital, and border trade logistics. The principle of prioritizing ecological protection is reflected in the development of all industries. What underlies it is green development, a generally acknowledged development philosophy and the principle of prioritizing ecological protection is reflected in the development of all industries. |About Us|Contact Us |Site Maps|
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